Looney Tunes: April 1997


A sweet cover, almost, with Daffy and a redheaded starry-eyed goose in a heart. Daffy glares at the star-struck goose. Above, the traditional Looney Tunes logo has been changed to pink scripted letters with shadowing.

The background for the heart and logo is gray with small sketches of Daffy beating a drum and the goose, in a Carmen Miranda fruit hat, shaking maracas.

- WHOOPS! This issue is dated APR 96 in the corner, up by the issue number and prices. The artwork is dated '96, but with the lead time needed, that isn't surprising.

I Love Goosey



Daffy eagerly awaits cable TV installation, trying not to admit it. The cable installer warns Daffy that it's easy to get sucked in. As soon as the installer leaves Daffy experiences his version of the American Dream: A pizza ordered, a comfy chair, and all the TV he can watch.

A knocking at the door awakens Daffy and he finds himself in the part of Daffy Ricardo, with his wife Goosey and neighbors Fred and Ethel Birdze. Everything and everybody but Daffy is in black and white now. He realizes things are weird, but since he'll be performing before a big Hollywood producer he goes along with everything. Daffy warns Goosey not to get into trouble on his big night.Goosey plans on it being her big break if she can just find a way to get into the show.

During rehearsal Daffy gets the bad news that his lead dancer will be unable to perform and he'll have to choose a replacement from the chorus. The chorus girls all vie for Daffy's attention much to his delight. Goosey is watching and accidently knocks a potted tree over on him, then runs.

Daffy chases and ends up in a chocolate factory where he is mistaken for a new hire. He can't keep up with the conveyor and leaves in a mad rush when he realizes he may be late for his big show. Daffy gets back just in time to find Goosey stealing the show and get told to leave as the show is sold out.

Daffy is again awakened by pounding, this time back at home which is in color now. The pizza has arrived. Daffy gives the delivery boy a tip: Turn off the TV. Not taking his own advice, or unable to, Daffy is right back in front of TV just as a 24 hour Gilligan's Island marathon is starting...

Did You Notice...

Technical Nits

I'll Take Manhattan



Marvin and K-9 arrive at the Earth at last with K-9 making a less than ideal landing. The plan: Conquer New York City, shrink it, and keep it in a snow dome. Marvin and K-9 aren't received as conquerers. Instead they are mistaken for lost Duck Dodgers fans and then actors for a low budget flying saucer film.

An attempt to get people to notice him and his intent only results in Marvin getting a more complete New York City experience; he's mugged. After a misunderstanding with a pawn broker, and a trade of shoes, Marvin recovers his disintegrating pistol only to find his spacecraft covered with graffitti. Marvin gets upset with K-9, who was supposed to be guarding the craft, but finds the dogcatcher caught him.

Marvin gets another New York City experience with an incomprehensible cab driver and a traffic jam. Fed up, he climbs over the cars and blasts K-9 free. Marvin loses his pistol down a drain as the dogs rush out of the dogcatcher's truck. Reaching into the drain he gets bit by a small alligator.

The mayor of New York City stops Marvin's spacecraft from being towed away and offers the key to the city, telling Marvin to take Manhattan, it's his. But Marvin has had quite enough of New York and zooms off, not waiting for the tow truck to release his craft.

Did You Notice...

Technical Nits

Other items:

There are two one-page fillers. Each is a one page uncredited cartoon with a single joke.

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Last updated 26 April 2001