Looney Tunes: December 2000


Before a large eerie green flame are some of the Looney Tunes characters in Halloween form. Sylvester howls like a wolf, Taz seems to be himself, Daffy holds his pumpkin head as the headless horseman, er, horseduck, Bugs is sharp-toothed and formal as Dracula, and Foghorn Leghorn looks like Frankenstein's monster. Flying in the center of the cover, a devilish Tweety says, "Twick or tweet!"

Hare-A 51



Bugs emerges from his tunneling and announces arrival at Pismo Beach. Daffy springs up from the hole and hits his head on a low ceiling. While Bugs checks his map, Daffy tries to get his attention and point out that not only are they not at Pismo Beach, they're inside some sort of military facility. Bugs walks away, annoyed that he can't concentrate, and Daffy finds himself set up by Elmer and the dog Hector, who are are guarding the area. And it is an area: Area 51.

The duck tries to claim it's rabbit season, but this time Elmer doesn't fall for it. Escaping from the jaws of Hector, Daffy is chased by the dog and Elmer until the pursuers encounter a dress-wearing Bugs. Hector is stunned and Elmer is enchanted, but Bugs asks for directions to Pismo Beach and is in turn asked about boyfriends. Elmer can't help, and gets clobbered for his question.

When Elmer recovers, he finds Bugs and Daffy as Scuzzy and Moldy from the Blech-files, who claim to be investigating a conspiracy. Bugs asks his question again, blowing their disguise. A superior who Daffy says is a major and to who Elmer answers, calls him, but Hector suggests by diagram that this is another disguise and attacks. Unfortunately for Elmer and Hector, it's the real major.

Next Bugs and Daffy try appearing as aliens and Elmer at first thinks they've finally emerged from the saucer, which looks rather like a roulette wheel. They ask to be taken to Elmer's leader, and this time Daffy blows the disguise by asking for MacDowell's cheeseburgers. The ensuing chase causes enough racket to wake up the real alien, who Elmer tries to prove a fake. Angered, the alien zaps him. The alien has everyone cornered when he notices Pismo Beach marked on Bugs' map. He points out the Pismo Beach or Bust! sticker on his saucer and they all end up riding the saucer, still trying to find their way to Pismo Beach.

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"The Shiny"



Porky and Sylvester take over as the off-season caretakers of an isolated lodge, the isolation having caused the last caretaker to go a bit nuts. Porky likes the idea of the solitude, but Sylvester isn't as enthusiastic about it. They settle in as snow starts falling. Two days later, things are different.

Porky is hearing voices that repeat, "Plip-plop!" and talking to his finger, addressing it as Mr. Digit. Sylvester pads off, not caring to endure the pig talking to himself. As Porky schemes to do in the cat, Sylvester hears the "plip-plop" sound and overcomes his fears to find it's just a leaky radiator. The cat fixes the radiator, accidently steaming Porky and unknowingly saving himself.

Sylvester hears the sound again, and discovers a leaky faucet which he turns off. As he does, a mad Porky emerges from the shower and chases the cat. He escapes by slamming a door onto, and around, Porky's head. As he's running, Sylvester discovers a mouse exclaiming, "Plip! Plop! Plip! Plop!" Figuring the mouse - which he deems too scrawny to eat - is the source of the trouble, Sylvester tries to through it out a window. As he opens the window mouse seems to scream, "Plip!" and once the window opens, a large amount of snow PLOP!s through the window, covering Porky, Sylvester, and the mouse. The mouse says he tried to warn them, and Sylvester suggests what he hopes is a better place to vacation.

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Tazzy-Doo, Where Are You?



Several Looney Tunes characters are riding in a van when one notices some sad children on the sidewalk. Stopping to find out what's wrong, they get told that the kids can't get Halloween masks as the Acme Mask factory has shut down since nobody will work in the haunted place. Tazzy-Doo (Taz) wonders about face paint, but Daffy tells him to be quiet or they won't have their story.

Outside the run down factory, Veltunia (Petunia Pig) tries to entice Tazzy-Doo and Daffy with Tazzy-snacks. Daffy doesn't care for them, but he's stuck with his contract saying he has to. Taz does like them, and whirls around the duck, leaving him without snacks, or much in the way of clothes or feathers. The three follow Fredhorn (Foghorn Leghorn) and Daphnebunny (Lola Bunny) inside where they mistake Elmer for a mask. Elmer says he's quitting as the place is haunted, and the rubber fumes harm his skin.

The group splits up, Daffy stuck with Taz, again by contract. The pair find several doors and just happen to open the one revealing Yosemite Sam, who complains of going bowlegged from not having room to lie down in the closet where he was trapped. Sam storms off, saying he'll close the factory, but he goes right back into the broom closet. Trying another door, they find a monster. Running from the monster but not getting anywhere, Daffy discovers they're all on a treadmill.

Meanwhile, the three others are looking around an improbable dungeon that seems full of obvious clues, which get missed or ignored. Veltunia starts following some hairs that seem insignificant and Daphnebunny tries to simply sit down and avoid tripping a secret panel. The chair she sits in triggers just such a panel. Returning rather annoyed, she suggests Fredhorn try the chair. He tries it, and after spinning Fredhorn a while, the chair stops with Gossamer in it. Gossamer grabs the clues, his hair, and says he quits because the place causes him to lose his hair.

The panel is open and the gang is reunited as Fredhorn, Daffy, and Tazzy-Doo run into the dungeon, trying to escape the monster. After not getting anywhere, this time due to a long rug slipping and piling up behind them as they run single file. Fredhorn has enough and confronts the monster, though Daphnebunny asks about a scene they seem to be skipping. Removing the monster's mask repeats several times, each time the potential villain is less probable than the last, even one looking like the original monster. After the last mask is finally removed, the cat Pussyfoot is revealed. The cat falls asleep on Daffy as Tazzy-Doo concludes, "Kitty wanted nap. Kitty get one, too-- in spite of meddling kids!"

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Last update 10 November 2004