Looney Tunes: January 2002


On an alien spacescape, several planets hang in the sky as Duck Dodgers declares, "Surrender your planet, puny, alien--for there's nothin' that can stop Duck Dodgers!" to a small alien. Porky nervously fails to get Dodger's attention. The porcine sidekick tries to point out a much larger, and by the look of its shadow, much angrier alien.

Duck Wing Commander



Leading a rescue fleet on a mission to a planet of farmers from tyrants, Duck Dodgers makes his speech and heroic declaration, only to imprint his shape in the window of his ship. The ship suddenly seems to be under attack, but it turns out only to be the effects of microwave popcorn that had burned. As Dodgers complains about missing the real action his ship really is attacked.

Just barely managing to land on the planet they are to help, Porky and Dodgers soon find themselves being attacked by spider-like aliens. Porky thinks fast and the pair escape, only to face more troubles, like a fearsome sea creature and some peculiar plumbing. These in turn lead to a hall of nasty traps which Porky dodges but Dodgers doesn't.

After the traps have been passed the two find themselves... bewildered and on a table where Marvin's kids are playing a video game involving Duck Dodgers and his porcine sidekick. Marvin comes into the kids' room just then and confiscates the game, along with Porky and Dodgers, so they will do their homework. Marvin puts the system in the trash, which is launched towards the sun. Porky dislikes the story's ending and Dodgers is even less pleased as there he is closer to the burnt popcorn in the trash with them.

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Birthday Blowout



The mice, Hubie and Bertie, spy a birthday cake but before they can get to really enjoy it Claude the cat comes after them. Claude must be dealt with. Upon seeing one of the birthday presents, a bulldog, they get ideas. Even without the mice scheming, Claude gets a rude notice of the dog's presence. The cat ends up doing household chores.

The mice convince the cat that he's been had and needs to stand up for himself. A few quick blows finds Claude right back where he started. Now the mice start a training program for him, which also doesn't work out. The mice have one more idea and unpack a canon for Claude to use.

The canon has the dog begging for mercy but Claude shows the same amount showed him: none. Alas for Claude it's not a real canon, but a birthday joke. After a fight between cat and dog, it's Hubie and Bertie who win by having the table to themselves. Meanwhile Claude has been mailed off to Siberia.

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Bacchus Against The Wall!



The Greek God Bacchus seems to be infatuated with Lola, not only ordering many pizzas from Machu Pizza but also having a hall of Lola statuary. Answering the door for delivery, Bacchus invites Lola in for ambrosia and pizza, but the bunny seems to have lost any appetite for pizza. She also has lost her appetite for dealing with Bacchus.

Over the next several days the scene is repeated in increasingly nauseating forms. Getting advice from her boss, Lola decides to spurn the god. Unfortunately her good hearted attempt at being polite only encourages him. She tries to tell him she's in love with a satyr but that just gets the satyr struck by lightning.

Lola tries taking a different approach by telling Bacchus they should be together and he must meet her parents. Her "parents" happen to be her boss and a three-eyed furry monster with tentacles. Bacchus starts having second thoughts when "mother" mentions moving in. Just then a delivery of baklava is made, by a lovely zebra lady. Bacchus immediately forgets Lola and chases after the zebra, while Lola runs after Bacchus, annoyed that he got over her so fast.

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Last updated 11 April 2003