Looney Tunes: January 1998


Sylvester, ragged with smoke rising from him, staggers past Tweety who is perched on an upside down sign that reads "Warning Mine Field." While holding a mallet behind himself Tweety asks the still smoldering cat, "Aww...was the poor puddy tat playing in the mine fields again?"

Cat Commando



One bandaged cat addresses several more cats who are also in bandages, some on crutches or in a wheelchair or bedridden. The cause of all the feline suffering is Tweety. So before things get any worse the lead cat is calling in Sergeant Al E. Catton.

Catton berates the bunch for letting a little bird clobber them. He decides to start with the most pathetic example of a cat: Sylvester. Basic training starts off wrong, with a backfiring bazooka and a tank that Sylvester doesn't stop in time. The first night ends with a very long, and very heavy, hike.

When Granny leaves, Sylvester is sent in to catch Tweety. With his timing exactly wrong he gets clobbered instead. Catton suggests a returning of the favor with a grenade. When Sylvester tosses it by Tweety, the bird fires it right back.

Going with armor, Sylvester next approaches in a tank only to be taunted by Tweety into firing nearly straight up. And after the bird scoots out of the way the shell falls almost straight down and takes out the tank. Seeing this, Catton decides to take thing over himself.

The attack is from all directions as cats arrive by land and parachute and enter through door and window. Tweety is well prepared however, as the house is full of dogs. Battered and treed, now even Catton surrenders.

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A Full Head O' Hare



Elmer's repeated out of season hunting has gotten him sent to a psychiatrist. Fudd seems to be nice and quite successful at everything but hunting. With the help of hypnosis to find out Elmer's most traumatic experience the psychiatrist soon has a diagnosis.

It seems that after going bald at a very young age Elmer started hunting rabbits. He was trying get his hair back with the symbol of getting a hare. The doctor suggests he be nice to rabbits and perhaps his hair will return.

Being nice, Elmer gives Bugs a basketful of carrots only to get blown up in return. Bugs simply can't believe that Elmer is giving up hunting him and tries to annoy Fudd into being his old normal self.

After not being hunted by Fudd for a while Bugs takes it home. Or rather takes a pie to Fudd's home. Instead of getting upset at being hit with a pie Fudd suggests milk, or carrot juice, and Bugs almost goes for it. Just as the rabbit is trying to play the hunter to snap Elmer back to the Fudd everyone knows he makes a discovery. Elmer isn't bald anymore.

Stunned, Bugs walks back to the woods and meets Daffy who is just back from Pismo Beach. The news that Elmer has stopped hunting and is being nice thrills the duck. Daffy's looking forward to the presents from Elmer, one of which has already arrived.

Daffy's present is not kind and gentle; it's explosive. Elmer hasn't given up hunting completely. While he's no longer hunting rabbits, he can still hunt ducks.

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Fishing Fool



Wile E. Coyote's adventure begins with his being clobbered by the box in which his fishing supplies are delivered. After a quick look in a fishing guide he tries casting and snags a cactus.

Next he almost catches Road Runner but gets yanked from the rock he was standing on and falls as his fishing pole bounces along. Trying again the coyote holds his ground as the line goes taut. Expecting to reel in Road Runner the coyote is surprised and then chomped by a very large, and very out of place, fish.

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Last updated 24 April 2001