Looney Tunes: June 1999


In a small room Sylvester, eyes closed and saying "Oh goodie goodie!", towers over Tweety who has placed a stick of TNT barely disguised as a bird on the cat's outstretched tongue. He tells the cat, "Open your mouth and close your eyes, puddy tat."

The Postman Always Brings Mice



Tweety tries tempting Sylvester into chasing him, but the cat ignore him. Rather than give chase, Sylvester stares intently at the mail slot. Soon a parcel arrives. It's the first mouse of a twelve month subscription to the Mouse of the Month club. The mouse runs for his life, suggesting various alternate foods. Tweety manages to rescue the mouse and satisfy Sylvester's hunger. Well, sort of.

Another month, another mouse, and Sylvester tries his paw at cooking. The first mouse and Tweety change things and Sylvester cooks his own goose, so to speak. The following month Sylvester is set up and gets an explosive meal before the real mouse even arrives. And the next month has the arrival of a very shapely female chinchilla. She is rescued by Tweety and the earlier mice, and given a fur coat -- Sylvester's.

Finally it's the last month and Tiny, the giant shrew, arrives. Tiny deals with the cat himself, not needing to be rescued. The mice go off to start a Mouse of the Month Club of their own to enlighten other cats. Meanwhile Sylvester gets back to chasing Tweety, with predictable results that have considering a less carnivorous diet.

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One For The Books



Daffy Duck wonders where all his fans are, and only ends up more disgusted when one supposed fan mistakes him for Danny DeVito. The duck is determined to make the world acknowledge him. He sees the offices of the Book of Guddunuff World Records and decides he will break a world record.

The determined duck sets off to break the record for eating cheesecakes in 30 minutes. He appears to break the record, but Arnie Fisheye has just set a record slightly beyond Daffy's accomplishment. Undaunted, Daffy tries for another record: one legged flagpole standing. Again he does very well, only to be narrowly beat out by Arnie Fisheye. The duck tries more records: grizzly bear riding, hot stove sitting, lying in a freeway, free falling. And each and every time he's beaten out by Arnie.

Daffy asks if there is any record Arnie hasn't broken. There is one. Daffy has had more injuries in attempting records than Arnie has. The duck ends up next to Mr. Fisheye in the hospital, where they argue about who will set yet another record...

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You Ain't Got No Dog Show



Charlie Dog is the host of an info-mercial, where he tries to sell his good points, with the aid of a paid studio audience. Alas, his support is tactless, his mood sensing doesn't sense raw pain, and his idea of sharing gives others things they'd rather not have.

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Checkstand And Deliver



The goofy gophers, Mac and Tosh, dine on apples as they are being hauled to a grocery store. Elmer Fudd, the store owner, starts setting up a display only to discover the gophers have eaten several apples. Finding that they're also devouring his watermelons does nothing to help his mood.

After being attacked with watermelon seeds, Fudd sets out gopher hunting. He spots the gophers drinking grape juice and sets after them, only to be run down by a shopping cart. When the gophers take a couple cans from a large display, an avalanche results. This triggers a few more disasters, all of which Elmer finds himself in the middle of.

Once things settle down, and Elmer regains something resembling consciousness, Mac and Tosh suggest he join them in eating peaches. Elmer, who seems to have finally snapped, quickly agrees and dines as the gophers do.

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Moment Of Reflection



Pepe Le Pew seems to be giving a speech to someone, asking why they strayed from him. He carries on quite a one sided conversation, which is explained when we see to whom he's been talking.

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Last updated 23 April 2001