Looney Tunes: March 2003


A panicked Foghorn exclaims, "Ah say, babysitting is for the birds!" as a huge spiked tail emerges from the very large spotted egg on which he is sitting.

Enter The Dragon



As truck from the city zoo runs into a pothole, the resulting bump big enough to cause the loss of a large, unusual egg. This egg winds up at the feet of Foghorn Leghorn and Miss Prissy. He wants to be rid of the egg, she plans to hatch it. But first Miss Prissy must go shopping and so gets Foghorn to egg sit while she is out. Naturally the egg hatches while Miss Prissy is away. The hatchling is no chicken, but is a lizard, a komodo dragon that Miss Prissy adopts as her own.

Wanting to protect Prissy, and dispose of the lizard, Foghorn tries to keep her away from the dragon. Miss Prissy, though, seems to have no problems at all with the dragon, while Foghorn gets bitten. He tries to beat the lizard. He tries to net the lizard. He tries to rope the lizard. Each time the lizard gets the better of Foghorn.

Foghorn finally asks Miss Prissy why the dragon chases him, but doesn't bother her. She answers in a whisper that since he was there when it hatched, the dragon looks to Foghorn as parent. In the end, Foghorn resigns himself to a strange parenthood.

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Learn To Draw! (One)



Daffy watches as the artist, unseen, makes a guide in four parts to drawing the head of "your favorite character." The duck mistakes it for himself until ears are mentioned. At the end, Daffy uses a marker to deface the resulting face of Bugs.

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Noah Place For A Duck



Noah, here played by Porky, guides the loading of the ark. The last pair of animals loaded are the ducks, one of which is Daffy, who thinks he's on a pleasure cruise. Daffy is irate when he discovers his whims will not be catered to and he tries to leave the ark, but thinks again when he sees the storm.

Somehow Daffy and everyone else manage to get though forty days, and Daffy is still being demanding despite more urgent things, such as feeding all the animals and dealing with seasick pachyderms. Noah tries to put Daffy off the ark, but in cartoon fashion the duck reappears behind him. When asked how he did that, Daffy tricks Noah and, with the aid of a horse, kicks him off the ark.

Just as Daffy gets into enjoying his new role as Captain, a horn sounds. Porky is now just Porky again, and enjoying himself on a real cruise ship. Meanwhile Daffy gets to deal with the ill pachyderm. The duck figures things can't get worse, but he doesn't see the iceberg in his immediate future.

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Learn To Draw! (Two)



Another drawing lesson and again Daffy watches, encouraged that it's how to draw "a certain feathered friend." His joy doesn't last as the image looks less and less like him as it takes shape. Rather than Daffy's head, it is Tweety's, on which the duck hastily uses an eraser.

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Give 'Til It Hurts



Elmer Fudd rests after a hard, and very unsuccessful, day of rabbit hunting when there is a knocking at his door. A mad scientist is collecting donations for the Mad Science For Insane Teens, M.I.S.F.I.T. Elmer slams the door on him and mutters, only to be confronted by by him again, suddenly in the house. Another try, with a twisted Christmas carol, also gets a slammed door.

No longer patient, the mad scientist blasts his way in. Between that and Gossamer, Elmer is convinced to donate. For his donation Fudd gets a ray gun that can hypnotize rabbits. When he tries to use the gun on Bugs, though, he finds that Bugs is armed with a much more powerful device. Bugs made a larger donation.

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Acme Blueprints



A story told in blueprint, that is, solid blue background with white line artwork. These blueprints show Wile E. Coyote getting an Acme motorized scooter hang glider and his actions as he reads the instructions. The directions, alas, do not provide warnings until after dangerous mistakes can be made. Thus Wile E. starts the engine, as instructed, before he gets to the note about securing it before starting it. The coyote has similar troubles with the hang glider wings that are not locked into place, his choice of flight path, how he loads the scooter, and the use of a parachute. In the end he finds that Acme employs a certain bird in its drafting department.

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Learn To Draw! (Three)



With some reluctance the narrator explains how to draw Daffy. As the drawing of his head takes shape, Daffy gloats. This time there is more than just a head, but it not more of Daffy. Instead a lit stick of TNT is added to the image. The resulting explosion leaves Daffy smoldering and with a severely displaced bill. The now revealed artists, Bugs and Tweety, claim that that is the best he has ever looked.

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Last updated 01 December 2003