Looney Tunes: March 1995


It's the Hip Fab Fun cover. The four stars, top to bottom, are occupied by Yosemite Sam, Sylvester Jr., Sylvester, and Wile E. Coyote.

Daffy Duck, dressed as a little old lady complete with cane and purse, appears distraught as Bugs Bunny exclaims, "MAMA!" and kisses him on the cheek.

The Cotton Tail Club



It's the Roaring Twenties in New York City and Bugs successfully auditions in front of Boney Madden at the Cotton Tail Club, though Daffy thinks he should be on stage rather than clearing tables. Bugs is an instant hit and has the Club packed every night. Across the street, however, Rocky isn't happy since his place isn't doing any business. Rocky sees he needs someone like Bugs, and then decides that Bugs himself would be the ideal choice. He just has to get the rabbit away from Madden.

Rocky and Mugsy convince Bugs, at gunpoint, to work for them. Madden is understandably angry and wants Bugs back. Daffy talks his way into replacing Bugs at the Cotton Tail Club. The result is snoring rather than laughter and Daffy has to get Bugs back just to avoid being on the menu. Daffy dresses as an old lady and tries to pose as Bugs mother. In an an unusual show of having his wits, Mugsy sees past the disguise and ejects the duck into the street.

Daffy returns, this time as a talent scout and buys out Bugs' contract, such as it is. Bugs and Daffy depart in a hurry and Rocky discovers that the envelope he got as payment isn't filled with cash. It's filled with a bomb. Business at Cotton Tail Club returns to normal and Daffy even gets to be on stage, though not quite the way he'd hoped for.

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Technical Nits

Strife With Father



Sylvester Junior leaves without being very communicative. Sylvester muses as how he used to act the same way at that age when he went out to see his girlfriend. Upon realizing the significance of that, the older cat decides to see what the girl is like. At the same time, Spike worries about what sort of fellow Sparkle, his daughter, is seeing. Like Sylvester, Spike decides to follow his offspring and check up on the date.

Sparkle and Junior meet and decide on a place to dine, while nearby Spike and Sylvester meet. A quick trick and Sylvester gets away unscathed. The kids eat behind a restaurant and their respective parents again encounter each other. They're just about to fight when the meal ends. Spike postpones the fight so he can follow Sparkle.

Junior take Sparkle to a miniature golf course. Sylvester and Spike meet again, and this time they each realize who is seeing whom. Each parent claims the child of the other messed up their kid and that instantly escalates into a fight. Not caring to fight, Sparkle and Junior just walk away as their parents pummel each other. The kids meet again the next day, this time at the hospital where they visit Spike and Sylvester. The older cat and dog aren't fighting anymore, but only because their bandages don't allow it.

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Technical Nits

Other items:

There are two one-page fillers, and one two-page filler.

Tangled Worms
Help Tweety untangle five worms by matching their heads with their tails. The answers are given, upside-down, not that they're needed wih each worm given unique markings along its length.
Taz Hungry! (Two pages)
Find ten food items hidden in a line picture on two pages. Once found, the page can be colored to help Taz find the food. No key is given.
The Last Laugh
Four three-panel cartoon strips, featuring (Yosemite) Sam as a pirate.

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Last update 18 March 2004