Looney Tunes: May 1997


Wile E. Coyote is standing on railroad tracks which disappear into a tunnel. Wile E. looks sad and we see why: the reflection of an oncoming, and very near, steam locomotive is in his eyes.

* The reflection is shown shimmering with the heat of the desert and maybe the boiler.

Stupider By The Dozen



Bugs Bunny is awakened by Wile E. Coyote who isn't chasing after Bugs, but is seeking to borrow a screwdriver. Bugs lends the tool to Wile E. and tries to get back to sleep. But Bugs' repose is interrupted by the coyote again and again and each time the coyote is more bedraggled and less quick-witted than the last time.

Bugs decides to see just what Wile E. is up to and discovers that Wile E. has been cloning himself in hopes of catching an outnumbered Road Runner. While the clones are not perfect copies, the coyote hopes to make it up in volume.

At dawn, Wile E. addresses his clones who are wearing headsets and cameras so he can direct them remotely with the ACME V.O.W. 9000 and give them the advantages of his experience. Bugs points out a potential problem, but Wile E. dismisses it.

The clones make every mistake Wile E. has made and a few more as the V.O.W. 9000 fails exactly as Bugs had warned, much to Bugs' amusement. Eventually the clones eliminate themselves and Bugs decides to nap to make up for lost sleep. The rabbit's sleep is disturbed once more when Wile E. calls to ask for the loan of earplugs - now there are several Road Runner clones beeping all over the lab.

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Widdle Wed Widing Tweety



Tweety has just started to read a new book when Sylvester grabs him. Tweety asks for one last request: let him finish reading the book to see how it ends. This leads to what starts as the standard Little Red Riding Hood story with a cat very suspiciously like Sylvester playing the part of the wolf. In a twist, the cat eats the bird, but the bird gives him indigestion and is spit up. The bird gives the cat the present he brought in the basket - a mallet, which is used to subdue the cat. When Sylvester grabs the book away in disbelief, Tweety uses a mallet on Sylvester.

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A Kind Of Magic



Wile E. Coyote waits for a crate dropped from an airplane and is startled by Road Runner so winds up under the crate as it crashes open revealing the paraphernalia of a magician. Wile E. uses these in unsuccessful attempts to catch Road Runner: A magic bullet ricochets back, a disappearing bridge vanishes at the wrong time, and the magic hat seems to favor Road Runner...

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Last updated 8 January 1998