Looney Tunes: October 1998


Daffy is in the spotlight and on the spot. Three large burly, and angry, rabbits loom over the duck. Another much smaller rabbit has a mallet at the ready. Daffy is starting to tell a joke, "So didja hear hear the one about the three stupid rabbits..." and his voice trails off on the last word as he nervously realizes his audience.

* The largest rabbit seems to be a cyclops.

Bad Hare Day



Bugs is woken up as a tractor beam pulls him from his bed and toward a flying saucer. Once aboard he finds Marvin admiring his fur. The Martian wants it for himself, to keep warm in the cold of space.

Bugs resists until told the process is painless, but resumes his struggles when side effects are mentioned. Marvin energizes a 'hare remover' and Bugs quickly deflects the ray with a handy mirror, leaving the Martian in a puddle.

A recovered Marvin searches for the rabbit, who shows up as a beautician from Space Central and soon is giving the Martian the works, in the guise of helping him get his own hair. This starts with a wig, goes on to a hard mud treatment, continues with an unusual scalp massage, and ends with a bang.

It dawns on Marvin that he's still dealing with the rabbit and uses his blaster. Bugs manages to escape the ray and it hits the hare remover machine. The resulting explosion sends the spaceship out of control. The saucer crashes in the tropics and now Marvin is too hot.

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The Terror From Down Under



Sylvester Jr. says no to doing the laundry, even offering to do the dishes instead. He's not afraid the laundry, but he does fear the ghost in the basement. Sylvester drags him downstairs, showing the ghost to be only a mouse. They'll both catch the mouse after the laundry is done.

Just then Acme Delivery loses a package from Australia. A kangaroo, still mostly in a box, hops through a window and crashes into the basement, getting a coat of white paint in the process. A startled Junior rapidly goes back upstairs. Sylvester then takes a net down to catch the mouse and prove there is no ghost.

The painted kangaroo is what gets caught and it puts up a fight. This has Sylvester believing in ghosts until Junior convinces him there no such things, just mice. Again Sylvester descends to deal with the matter. Again Sylvester gets pummeled.

Acme Delivery recovers the kangaroo, though by dumb luck, and the ghost is gone. Not gone soon enough, though. Sylvester now refuses to go back into the basement. He deals with the laundry by taking a trip to the Laundromat.

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Wise Quacker



Daffy is trying to keep warm next to his 'Will work for food' sign when he sees a sign advertising amateur comedy night, with cash prize, at the Hare Club. The duck gives it a try. Unfortunately, Daffy's jokes all fall flat.

Annoyed at the lack of reaction, Daffy starts insulting the crowd. The crowd throws carrots. The duck manages a few more cracks and even some physical comedy before getting thrown out. He changes his sign to match what he just did, and he did get some food at least.

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Last updated 25 April 2001