Jay Maynard
I'm sometimes known as the TRON Guy.
1831 Oakwood Drive
Fairmont, Minnesota 56031-3225
Voice: (507) 235-6485
Here's a picture of me...it's a 40K JPEG.
Here's a picture of my former Ford Explorer, about 11K, and a rant...and some fan mail, too.
Some of the things I do for fun (?):
- K5ZC: My ham radio callsign.
- I maintain the Hercules IBM mainframe emulator.
- I'm a licensed private pilot. You can find out more about general aviation here.
- I'm a Benefactor Life Member of the National Rifle Association, and a member of the US Practical Shooting Association, with interests in handgun shooting and reloading. Here's where to find out more about guns, shooting, and the right to keep and bear arms.
- This is a description of my home computers.
- This is my geek code.
- I'm a fan of the Warner Brothers TV cartoon Animaniacs. If you think it's just the average 20 minutes of hard sell for kids' toys, look closer. It's full of jokes no 10-year-old would ever get. I predict that, in 10 years, it will be as much of a classic as Bugs Bunny is now. Here are some other Animaniacs links:
- The Kids WB network, which is now showing Animaniacs as well as other shows produced by Warner Bros. Animation, has its own page on the Web, finally. Warning: It's graphics-intensive.
- The schedule for the next couple of weeks of Kids WB programming is in the Kids WB Future Episodes List, on Ron O'Dell's excellent Keeper's Cartoon Files page.
- This is my Animaniacs code.
- Here's another Animaniacs page, with links to lots of other stuff.
- There's an Animaniacs comic book from DC Comics, as well, and I maintain the Animaniacs Comics Kompendium, a complete reference to that series.
- I participated in the bit of fandom excess known as Animania IV. I got to meet lots of neat people and see lots of interesting things, and it was an experience I'll never forget. We even got a story on the E! Entertainment Network's news show.
- As part of Animaniacs fandom activities, I've created a character that I
use online. Sheila/Splut Warner has been the subject of a few drawings by Andrew "KinkyTurtle" Mutchler.
He's drawn, among other things:
Andrew's quite a talented cartoonist, and I'm pleased that he's drawn my
characters several times. Look through his pages for other drawings, all
quite good, and most more than a little funny. Just don't let him sing at
My (and Sheila's) furry code is
FG[Warner]fp3amw A- C D+ H++ M+ P+++ R-- T+++ W Z+ Sf++ RLCT a++ cblmouv+++$
d- e+ f h+++ iwf+++ j p- sm+
. You can decode it by clicking on the
Fun links:
Jay Maynard, jmaynard@conmicro.cx
Last modified 14 February 2006